Most popular posts by LGBTQ Allies and Advocates community members over the last 24 hours. Updated hourly.
If you're in Illinois and: - Palestinian, or protesting the genocide in Occupied Palestine; or - trans, or protesting for trans rights; and you are arrested or discriminated against, I can represent you pro bono. Please email me at I will take as many cases as I can.
Think about how no one under 30 knows what pensions are, it's a totally alien concept. The GOP goal is to make all government services as alien and unfamiliar. Imagine in a decade, trying to explain to a 20 year old what social security, libraries, grad school, the EPA, OSHA, mass vaccination, ADA,
My first (and for a while only) exposure to Darude: Sandstorm was at Six Flags Great America where during Fright Fest they would take the enclosed teacup ride, black it out, fill it with fog and lights and stuff, then blast the music as you spun yourself to death and it was beautiful.
It is absolutely torture for ICE to kidnap people, strip them naked, force them into cold showers and deprive them of food and water and medication and due process and it is also what happens in jails, juvie, and prisons to countless Americans on kind of a daily basis
Pro tip: if you aren't sure if a protest is legitimate, ask if they have legal support and who the lawyer for the legal support is. If the answer is no, don't go. Because experienced organizers don't have sign up sheets for protests. They do, however, have legal support beforehand.
One of the inevitable things about the US slamming its dick in the car door with scientific research, is that the brain drain will be exponential. The top researchers, the biggest names in the field, will leave, taking with them their top students, the *next* generation's biggest names in the field
My dad keeps asking me when I’m going to watch the Fallout show and I don’t know how to explain to him that the reason I haven’t watched it yet is because I’ve had a fascination with Walton Goggins ever since I watched The Shield as a kid and I think seeing him as a hot ghoul would brainrot me
Jesse Singal is a piece of shit. He is a transphobic bigot. He is evil. He is an architect of what is happening to trans people right now, and not content to manufacture consent for genocide, he's attacking individual trans people now. What he's doing to Ana is beyond the pale.
Zionists: How can you be a trans Jew and support Palestinians. Don't you know they hate trans people and Jews and would throw you off a rooftop? Literally every Palestinian I've met irl and On Here: You're a beautiful woman and it's wonderful to meet you, can we be friends?
I think this is true. And,l I continue to think that the trans community can be part of this fight, not as victims in need of protection, but as leaders whose core values of self-determination, individuality, and free expression are at the absolute core of what it means to be a non-fascist American.
Do you think Labout would have won such a majority if they'd campaigned on £6bn cuts for welfare? Do you think Starmer would be leader of the Labour party if he hadn't lied about everything? Heard the News Agents (them again) describe Starmer lying as 'saying what he had to to get elected leader'
My own father couldn't be bothered with me. One of the two men who stepped up to love me in his stead is dying. I'm not okay. I don't know how long this will be because cancer is a mercurial monster, but I implore you to keep fighting for what's right while I keep my house in order. 🖤
do you understand how fascist the united states is like you cannot sue police officers for violence they cause in the course of their job because the supreme court granted them qualified immunity. these ICE agents will never be punished for just doing their job. evil country down to the bone.
In 1994, which was 31 years ago, the US government considered international transfer of encryption software to be equivalent to transferring nuclear weapons schematics. A T-shirt with RSA implemented in 3 lines of perl, was *extremely* illegal. War thunder illegal Math education is so bad in the US that professors of freshman courses are saying that they *can't even fail their students on the subject they are teaching* because the students need 4 years of remedial math just to get to that point.
Since Jesse Singal evidently watches what trans women post I'd just like to say that I specifically would like to see just Jesse Singal forced to watch as I, The Overseer of All Transness, turn the whole world trans before his eyes, and once he's cried his eyes out he dissolves into a puddle of goo
Implementing emergency masking policies, eh? In 2019 it was standard practice for people to mask in neonatal wards, it was totally non-controversial to be like "we might kill these babies if we infect them." Somehow nowadays masking is considered a last, emergency resort.
"The right are winning elections, the left are lost in identity politics" - intro to the latest News Agents podcast from people touted as the best pundits we have in the UK. Nobody - and I mean *nobody* indulges in identity politics more than the right. It is all they ever fucking talk about.
So, basically, everyone needs to treat DOGE, ICE, and any other weaponized arm of this lawless administration is to treat them as though they are vampires - distract them with meaningless tasks, answer their questions with riddles they cannot solve, and never, ever invite them in.
Google released their new Gemma3 open weight language models the other day, meaning I can run them here on my computer I remembered all of the ethics promises about these, and then I took ten minutes and broke its brain so it only lies in subtly pervasive ways. Try it This is the danger; not AGI
Me, a tall redhead with blue eyes and autism & ADHD who likes girlkissing and has a weird relationship with my own gender, with 2 blue eyed tall queer trans kids both with ADHD and autism and one of em's a redhead: Huh must be the Tylenol and vaccines and phones that did all that
Today's legal term of the day is "hearsay." Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. That's legalese for the simple proposition that you cannot testify to what your cousin Fred told you he saw. Only Fred can do that, and he has to do it in court.
Folks gave it a real strong showing but Democrats don't give a fuck about you or what you say they feel absolutely safe giving everything to fascism and if the ones you like don't leave the party are they really principled anti fascists? Answer for yourself but act accordingly