Starter Pack Facts
There are 332,300 starter packs on Bluesky in total, listing 1,791,587 unique users.
On average, each list contains 33 users. Half of all lists have 24 users or fewer, while 90% have 50 users or fewer. The largest list includes 4,065 users.
In total, 74,246 people have joined Bluesky using a starter pack, with 712 new users joining this week alone. However, out of 332,300 starter packs, only 12,773 (3.8%) have been used by someone to sign up.
These are the most popular starter packs, ordered by number of users joined.
Daily Kos writers and staff members all in one place. Follow along for the latest!
Politics, econ, and otherwise unique & interesting individuals. Designed around online commentator Steven Bonnell AKA Destiny and his community. dggL
After the election, I created this Starter Pack of pro-democracy accounts. I update it regularly. I hope you find it useful!
Follow the MyRadar weather team (and some of our favorite accounts on the platform)!
Essential follows for NFL fans 🏈
Here's a list of Truthout staff and contributing writers we think you should follow!
not just the mainstream
Only the vetted and verified members of #AltGov who have a presence on Blue Sky are included in this pack. This pack is curated by AltSpaceForce1. Questions & inclusion requests must be sent to him.
New to Bluesky and used to getting your news from Twitter? Well, stop, collaborate, and listen! Here are a bunch of outstanding accounts that will keep you tuned into the news without having to get Elon's emotional semen on you. Let me know whom I missed!
Escuchar. Sumar. Construir. Vamos a más.
A collection of wonderful people doing inspiring work as web developers.
Accounts associated with the comedy improv entertainment streaming platform - unaffiliated with the actual Dropout company, fan made and maintained. Let me know if I missed anyone!
UK political journalists, politicos, commentators and experts
A collection of writers and editors from Nature magazine
This is a great group of folks who will give you a variety of topics and decent volume.
A list of credible, verified F1-related accounts on BlueSky, to avoid impersonations or mirrors. Send us a DM to be added
A list of reputable journalists who post news and analysis on the regular, right here on Bluesky. Just want a news feed? Use this list: Just want news organizations? Use this starter pack:
Accounts and organizations that post, research, and present on digital forensics.