Recent posts by Digital Discourse Community community members. Updated hourly.
okay, fam, I'm tagging out until next Sunday! lots going on this week, still scrambling to stay abreast of all the insane federal funding changes. If any articles drop I'll pop in to post them. (I also got interviewed last week about NEA stuff and I'll share that when I have it too) SEE U NEXT WEEK
It's crazy that no matter how many versions of Star Wars or The Hunger Games or Brazil or V for Vendetta type stories we create, a huge percentage of the people enjoy them still gleefully cheer on the very fascism these stories warn us about as it's staring them right in the face.
Am I the only person who really likes Abbott Elementary but also gets kind of sad every time I watch it? American kids attend schools every day in even worse conditions than on the show. Our country is so wealthy and there's absolutely no reason for it but greed.
Each of these is available as a single edition you can buy from a bookstore today and each is as good at what it is doing as anything else in its little subgenre. So if you’re like “how do I get into comics?” I’d say try one or more of these and see which ones you like.
Ten Comics —Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind/Miyazaki —Maggie the Mechanic/Hernandez —The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Omnibus/Moore & O’Neill —Edena/Mœbius —The Book of Mr. Natural/Crumb —Monica/Clowes —The Hard Tomorrow/Davis —Ducks/Beaton —Weathercraft/Woodring —We3/Morrison & Quitely
HOLD THE PHONE STOP STOP EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW A POIROT REMAKE WHERE HE'S FROM THE BELGIAN CONGO AND WE RE-INTERROGATE ALL THE GREATEST HITS FROM THAT POV WOULD SLAP and then Hastings is like, his emotional support himbo and also a white dude who opens doors that would otherwise be closed to him
thanks so much for asking i would love to get ALL THE WAY INTO THIS is something a burger because it is served on a burger bun? (is a chicken breast on a bun a chicken burger?) OR, is something a burger because it's a ground patty of meat (is a patty melt a burger despite being served on rye?)
There’s a long history of the US using bogus “disorders” to harm and control people. The most egregious example: “drapetomania,” named by Dr. Samuel Cartwright in 1851. This was a “disorder” only enslaved people had, he claimed, a form of insanity that made them want to run away from slavery.
This is a complete repudiation of the nonconfrontational approach of Congressional Democrats by fully two-thirds of Democratic voters. I guess Schumer and Jeffries could respond, "Our voters are wrong." To me, that doesn't seem like a path to victory in 2026 or 2028.
Discussion about how US colleges and universities are overly reliant on international students and how that could quickly unravel reminds me of when I wrote about Julio Torres' PROBLEMISTA and this very issue at several major art schools:
After the barring of affirmative action we are now seeing a concerted effort to push out students that were often held up as celebrated model minorities in contrast to US Black students. I wouldn’t e surprised to see an increase in state support once academia is considered satisfyingly purged.