These GREAT ARTISTS are HERE on Blue Sky along w/ @MillisaLight, @mrba101 & @lucymay1283 on T/XYZ. I OWN work by Angeles Pomata in Spain, Lee Zimmerman in MN, & a print by Rosie Rowell in the UK & have 1 COMING SOON, a David Bowie by Jon Lion. ENJOY!
Here's a list of ppl that PROVIDE US w/ their AMAZING STARTER PACKS they've taken the TIME & EFFORT to put together so WE can GROW OUR ACCOUNTS...for FREE. Aka BOOSTERS. Does take some time/effort/vetting. Some suggest we MUTE vs BLOCK those we don't want plugging up our feeds.
Started out wanting a STARTER PACK for NURSES ONLY, being a RETIRED RN in TX. Decided to include ALL HCW's, VETERANS & TEACHERS + a few OTHERS helping people. ALL trying to make OUR lives BETTER. THX TO ALL! MUCH RESPECT!