Celebrating hitting 30k & you guys being badass! You guys made that possible! We are stronger together!! Comment, Like & RP 👇🏼
Brunch Like mind individuals who are great follows.
“The more voices, the more powerful the sound.” “When destructive forces try to burn us down, we rise from the ashes like a phoenix and as you see tonight, music is the unstoppable language that connects us all, it’s so beautiful.” -Alicia Keys
A starter pack with resisters! Some new looking to connect with like minded folks! Please make sure to vet you can never be too careful! Follow & RP 💙🦋💙🦋
Some great follows! I did a mix of like minded Resisters! Some I followed on the dead bird. Some great Boosters. Some randoms. Also, threw in a couple I just started following! Enjoy! Please RP! I vetted them all myself! 💙
I see lots of of new accounts following me! Blue resisters here are my favorite boosters! These are most of the people who helped me along the way!! Remember to Vet! Don’t forget to add me & RP!
Let’s connect with like minded minds!! We know what’s at risk!! Our lives, our nations hero’s, my sisters, my brothers, our children, our future grandchildren! Their education! Their health! We must fight the bigotry, racism and hate! #resist