As individuals, we have more power to impact change at the local and state levels. So we must stay informed of local happenings, build communities with local allies, and ***Multiply the Power of Our Actions Through Coalitions.*** Here's a list of Tar Heel truth-tellers to get you started!
Official NC House and Senate accounts, NC Democratic Party, pro-democracy orgs, Common Cause NC, local & independent news, health and hospitals, universities, local Indivisibles, and more...
The purpose of this Starter Pack is to connect North Carolinians to one another - to build community, but also to speed the flow of timely and potentially critical information throughout the state. What lies ahead is uncertain. We're going to need each other. 💙
This Pack is dedicated to the brilliant, everyday humans among us who've stepped outside their individual comfort zones (and professional bubbles) to INFORM... and to WARN. 🗽 "I no longer accept the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept." ~Maya Angelou
The purpose of this Starter Pack is to connect North Carolinians to one another - to build community, but also to speed the flow of timely and potentially critical information throughout the state. What lies ahead is uncertain. We're going to need each other. 💙
The purpose of this Starter Pack is to connect North Carolinians to one another - to build community, but also to speed the flow of timely and potentially critical information throughout the state. What lies ahead is uncertain. We're going to need each other. 💙
The purpose of this Starter Pack is to connect North Carolinian to one another - to build community, but also to allow potentially critical information to get where it needs to in a timely fashion. What lies ahead is uncertain. We're going to need each other.
Included in this list are: National Pro-Democracy organizations, resources for the immigrant, Jewish, and Latino communities, pro-choice and fair election advocacy groups, and more.
Books are my solace and my preservation. So, I'd like to pay tribute to this incredible group of like-minded humans: ❤️librarians❤️, readers of banned books, historians, writers, authors who've fallen victim to challenges of the literature, and English teachers. I've read; therefore, I am. 📚
Key voices in the Opposition Movement. Included: Authors on authoritarianism & the protection of democracy, legal warriors, good folks committed to sharing timely information and action-oriented announcements, refreshing Congressional voices, and several rebellious cartoonists. 💪
More notable voices in the Opposition Movement