Recent posts by Wired Writers community members. Updated hourly.
The Multi-State Information & Analysis Center contacted member states Wed night to share which services it can keep providing (Albert, MDBR, EDR, NCSR, & SOC) and which it can't (IR, CTI, member engagement, VDP) after its host organization lost federal funding.
I'll be teaching a 6-week graduate-level night course at Georgetown University in May-June called Cyber Operations. We'll look at ways that nations project power in cyberspace - their motives, methods, and impact. Looking forward to meeting students in the School of Foreign Service master's program
🏅 Did you know that AI is driving huge demands for Linux cloud pros? Someone has to run all that infrastructure! Our Certification Journey is a great guide to help your career take off alongside AI. Download a free copy today: #Linux #CloudNative #AI
It's been a mystery what happened to Morgan Marquis-Boire when he disappeared yrs ago after being accused of rape. Turns out he secretly co-founded Unciphered, which cracks crypto wallets for owners who lost passwords. He used a fake name to hide his identity from employees until they unmasked him
One of the undisclosed co-founders of Unciphered, a startup that hacks crypto wallets, is Morgan Marquis-Boire, a hacker who's faced multiple credible accusations of sexual assault and has admitted to rape. Reporting by
White House chief information officer sent letter to federal agencies urging them to *not* lay off their cybersecurity teams. He was responding to questions from agencies asking whether cybersecurity workers are essential national security employees and therefore exempt from Musk-ordered layoffs.
NEW: Apple's challenge against the UK's backdoor order is in court today. But it is just one of a number of attacks on end-to-end encryption this year. France + Sweden made their own threats Some of the emerging threats are the most “blunt” and aggressive of those in recent memory, experts say
The Threat Modeling Connect community are launching the first-ever community-driven State of Threat Modeling (SOTM) Report, led by and Dave Soldera, and we’d love your input! The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete. #cybersec #infosec
Dependabot's implementation of Go modules continues to be poor. FWIW, I recommend Go projects just turn it off, run govulncheck in a scheduled GitHub Action for security updates, and otherwise update dependencies manually when it makes sense in their release cycle.
I understand that the courts don't want to issue contempt rulings and speed run a Constitutional crisis, but if any of us pulled this non responsive nonsense, we'd be held in contempt and it would be well justified. Stop playing chicken and make the admin show how far it's willing to go.