Most popular posts by Global Citizens Unbound community members over the last 24 hours. Updated hourly.
I could swear I saw a poll or clip yesterday on CNN that said MOST americans would blame the REPS for a govt shutdown. NOT DEMS. You should have let that happen. THey own the house the senate and the WH it was all on them. Now you gave them a gift. Shameful. TIme for new leadership
Right-wing Pastor John Raymond was sentenced to two years in prison after he was convicted of suffocating a 4-year-old and taping five other students' mouths shut simply because they were talking during class. Two years in prison feels like a slap on the wrist for a convicted child abuser.
#Ohio #NAZI “JD Vance’s appearance at the #KennedyCenter tonight was met with a loud and unmistakable response: a chorus of boos. It’s not just about his controversial policies, but his association with far-right ideologies and divisive rhetoric that have alienated so many.—” #BoosForVance #Resist”
Chuck Schumer was the target of multiple protests today. Sunrise Movement, a youth-led org. fighting for climate change blocked Schumer’s senate office demanding a no-vote on cloture; 11 arrested. Protesters also surrounded his Brooklyn home calling for Schumer to oppose the GOP-led effort.
If Tesla goes below $114, Musk will get a margin call. This forces him to liquidate his shares, sending Tesla stock into a death spiral, and his whole empire will crumble; Musk will do anything to prevent this. And Trump will, too. So... keep the pressure on.