Recent posts by Fantasy and Concept Artists community members. Updated hourly.
My partner: how do you stay engaged in monster hunter? Me: well, playing hunting horn is like watching a monster from the peripherals but most of your gameplay is in the upper left corner where you're buffing and tracking your notes and then you introduce a SECOND HORN--
I always forget that the apocalypse in Fist of the North Star happened immediately before the events of the series and not just some ambiguous past-era ago like in most of the mad Max movies, and it makes it extra funny that all these dudes were just sitting around learning assassination arts
‘When despair for the world grows in me… in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things’ ~ Wendell Berry. 🖼️ The Heron, Fernand Heilbuth.
I respect the right of every person, especially women, to not to participate in the sexist capitalist expectation that one shaves their legs and armpits That said. Body hair is a sensory nightmare from the depths of hell and I cannot understand anyone of any gender choosing to live that hairy way
Every war america has ever fought, save for a brief stint in ww2, was fought for the benefit of the richest business owners. Today, we hear the us is planning to invade Panama, its genocidal legacy from the past remain in all of south america. Noone in the armed forces has any reason to fight this.