Recent posts by Fantasy and Concept Artists community members. Updated hourly.
There are exceptions, of course, but I’ve found that my most liked art posts tend to be very unexpected, sometimes very fast and rough experiments. Like some sort of social media koan, more focus on getting likes often leads to fewer likes and more disappointment. Just have fun, I say 🙂
In other good news my aunts took me to a steak house for dinner last night after they found out ive never been and I found a Picasso print at a thrift store. Once im in my own place again Im going to need so much art so many of the prints and pieces I had before got burned up Sorry to all my friends
I was gonna ask how come obama isnt as loud about trump as he was before but considering we kept electing the man who wouldnt stop making up lies about him not being american and a secret kenyan for 8 years cause hes black im not surprised that man is like fuck yall im chilling out in wine country.
Been frustrated this week as I get back into digital painting after going months being unable to, I paint slower than I'm used to its annoying. My ideal pace is one painting a day so I can be work ready and this one has taken me 4 and I'm not satisfied with it yet
In good news ive been testing out walking short distances using a cane instead of a walker today and I feel so much more mobile. In bad news even though my SUV survived the fires, theres probably so much ash and smoke in there that its a hazard for my health I may need a new used car.
I was drawing a fashion OC and lamented about covering him up with clothes, and a bunch of buddies suggested "well don't" and I was like "ok" - then put a screenshot of the base naked body with sparkles covering up the junk in chat I abide by videogame model rules, jsyk
“YOU DARE CITE THE DEEP MAGIC TO ME, CHILD?” i bellow at the tiny grubby terror. she is cackling and running away while yelling “I MAKING YOU MAD MAMA? HAHAHAHA” i scoop her up and say, “I AM GOING TO CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT THAT IS ✨ SO ANNOYING ✨”. she responds by putting her wet mouth on my nose.
Like I said, I think we're remembering how twitter was when it was good. Bluesky isn't quite there yet, but things are picking up! Current twitter is BAD tho, so we'll never get good twitter again. Also, not posting on twitter or interacting there gave me my creative juices back! Way better ^_^
I thought vaping wasn't gonna take off because I saw teens doing it here and there, but then I mostly only saw old dudes in track suits doing it, and I was like "well there's the end of that trend" but it turns out nicotine is stronger than embarrassment by association